what is black VELVET TAMARIND?

African black velvet tamarind is one of the most uncommon fruits of West Africa. The name is known as Ichiku or Ichilikum in Africa. It is a seasonal fruit that is grown In tropical areas in Africa and other tropical places in Asia like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. The fruit has a velvet shell, and because of the shell, it got the name velvet tamarind. It has brown circular seeds inside and orange pop with a sweet tangy flavor. It can be eaten fresh, dried, or soaked in water and then drunk as juice

The seeds are utilized for a variety of applications, including culinary, medicinal, and traditional uses. Traditionally, black velvet tamarind, which contains the roots, leaves, and bark of the black velvet tamarind tree, has been used to treat a variety of ill-health issues.

how to grow Black velvet tamarind

Owing Black Velvet Tamarind, scientifically referred to as Dialium guineense, requires specific situations to make certain successful cultivation.

Here is a trendy guide on how to develop Black Velvet Tamarind:

Climate and Soil Conditions:

Black Velvet Tamarind thrives in tropical climates with excessive temperatures and mild to high humidity.

The plant prefers nicely-draining soil with a pH starting from slightly acidic to impartial.


Obtain seeds from a reliable supply or use seeds from mature Black Velvet Tamarind pods.

Plant the seeds in a nursery or directly inside the ground at a depth of approximately 2-three centimeters.


Provide normal watering, in particular in the course of dry periods.

Black Velvet Tamarind is relatively drought-tolerant once set up, but constant moisture is useful for the finest boom.


Plant in a vicinity where the tree will get hold of full daylight for most of the day.


Apply a balanced fertilizer with a higher potassium content material to support flowering and fruiting.

Organic fertilizers, inclusive of compost or well-rotted manure, also can be used.


Prune the tree to get rid of useless or diseased branches and form the canopy.

Pruning can beautify air flow and daylight penetration, selling standard tree health.


Apply a layer of natural mulch around the base of the tree to preserve soil moisture, suppress weeds, and modify temperature.

Protection from Pests and Diseases:

Monitor the tree regularly for pests and illnesses.

Use suitable insecticides or natural treatments to govern pests and prevent illnesses.

Support for Young Plants:

Provide assistance for younger Black Velvet Tamarind flowers, particularly throughout windy situations.


Black Velvet Tamarind culmination is usually ready for harvest after it turns darkish brown or black.

Harvest the pods cautiously to keep away from harm.

Post-Harvest Handling:

Remove the pulp from the pods, and the seeds are usually discarded.

The pulp may be fed on sparkling, used in culinary arrangements, or processed into merchandise like jams or liquids.

It’s critical to be aware that precise growing situations may additionally vary primarily based in your region and nearby climate. Consult with nearby agricultural experts or extension services to get location-specific recommendations for successfully cultivating Black Velvet Tamarind in your area

health benefits

African black velvet fruit has several health benefits as it is packed with lots of nutrients that help promote good health. The essential health benefits of the fruit are:

01) Cures Malaria

Black velvet tamarind is effective in curing malaria. Taking the decoction of black velvet tamarind can prevent the growth of plasmodium falciparum, which is the cause of malaria. Therefore, the malaria patient will recover quickly.

02) Gastric ulcer

The second benefit of black velvet tamarind to human health is the treatment of gastric ulcers. This tamarind increases mucus secretion in the stomach to help treat gastric ulcers and protect the colon against cancer cells. Consumption should be within the recommended serving amount.

03) Controls hypertension

Potassium is found in black velvet tamarind that is able to control the heartbeat and make the heart easier in pumping blood. Black velvet tamarind can lead to lowered blood pressure, or in other words, reduce hypertension.

04) Anti-inflammatory

Almost all kinds of tamarinds contain vitamin C In the pulp, A major benefit of the vitamin C in the pulp of the black velvet tamarind is the ability to fight infection caused by microbes.  In addition, it can also reduce inflammation in the bronchial tubes because of bronchitis


As included in the Diabetes Treatments With Natural Sources and Activities, black velvet tamarind is also beneficial to treat generative diseases, such as diabetes. It is able to lower blood sugar and increase insulin sensitivity.

06) Boosts immune system

Antioxidant added with vitamin C is a good combination to perform the health benefits of black velvet tamarind. The combination is very useful to boost the immune system of our body. Therefore, the long-term consumption of black velvet tamarind the recommended intake will ensure long-term health from microbial and fungal infection.

07) Lowers cholesterol level

The other health benefit you can get from consuming black velvet tamarind is fulfilling your need for dietary fiber. The dietary fiber from the sticky pulp of Black velvet tamarind is very useful in reducing the bad cholesterol in the blood.

08) Cures dry eyes

In research studies by research gate, it has been determined that the compound in black velvet tamarind decoction is similar to mucin in the eye. The mucin in our bodies is beneficial. It protects and moisturizes our cornea. Therefore, the black velvet tamarind’s compounds are now planned to be used as one of the ingredients for eye drops as the treatment for dry eyes. 

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