square watermelon from japan

Tomoyuki Ono a graphic designer invented square watermelons in 1978. In Tokyo, Japan he displayed the watermelons in a gallery. the square watermelons were intended to fit more compactly in fridges and be able to be cut more easily (without rolling). In Japan, they have even figured out a way to grow heart-shaped watermelons …. sort of like the ultimate gift for your vegan Valentine.

Square watermelons don’t come from special seeds. They’re regular melons that are placed inside boxes while growing. They might look like a genetically modified watermelon from Planet Geometry but square watermelons are grown naturally and it’s so easy you can even do it in your own veggie patch at home.


What does square watermelon taste like?

Watermelons are supposed to make us happy. To bring back our memories of our youth and to have us imagine how far we can spit the seeds as they drip down our chins.

unfortunately the same is not the case with square watermelons because the watermelons that are grown in a square mold do not reach the full maturity that they remain Non-ripe watermelons do not taste quite as sweet, which is why some consumers use the fruit purely for decorative purposes.

why are square watermelons so expensive?

Japan is somehow called the home of expensive fruits because there are some very expensive fruits that are grown in Japan. One kind of melon, the Yubari king melon, costs $22,500. while a single white jewel strawberry will cost you $10.

One of the most unusual and striking-looking fruits both in Japan and across the globe is the square watermelon. Square watermelons can go for up to $200 each, but the cost is typically around $65.

how to grow square watermelon

Growing rectangular watermelons is a practice that entails shaping the fruit into a rectangular shape at some stage in the early stages of a boom.

Here are the overall steps for growing rectangular watermelons:

choose the Right Watermelon Variety:

Not all watermelon types are suitable for square shaping. Select a selection that tends to have an extra elongated shape rather than a spherical one.

Early Intervention:

The procedure of growing square watermelons entails setting the developing fruit right into a square or square mold while it’s far still small and on the vine.

This is normally carried out throughout the early ranges of fruit development while the watermelon is set to the dimensions of a tennis ball.

Mold Placement:

Square molds, frequently manufactured from glass or plastic, are carefully positioned across the younger watermelon fruit. The mold must be secured in place to prevent it from transferring through the growth process.

Secure the Molds:

As the watermelon grows, it takes the form of a mold. It’s vital to secure the molds tightly to make sure that the fruit continues its square form.

Some growers use specially designed bins or packing containers to help reap the rectangular shape.

regular Monitoring:

Monitor the boom of the watermelon often. Ensure that the fruit is developing well within the mold and make any vital adjustments to keep the rectangular shape.


Harvest the square watermelon whilst it reaches adulthood. The timing for harvesting will rely on the unique watermelon range being grown.

Once harvested, the rectangular watermelon may be fed on like traditionally shaped watermelons.

It’s vital to observe that the technique of growing rectangular watermelons is extra of a novelty and is not supposed to enhance the taste or pleasantness of the fruit. The square shape is carried out through human intervention in the course of the growth manner, and it does now not arise clearly.

Additionally, growing square watermelons may also require cautious interest to save you from damage to the fruit and ensure that it develops well in the mold. While square watermelons are not typically grown for industrial functions, they’re from time to time produced as a unique and innovative item for the area of expertise markets or as a novelty for purchasers.

weight of the square watermelon

In comparison to the normal watermelons, the square watermelons are less weighty as they weigh only 10 to 15 pounds, are compact, and will not roll away or take up an entire shelf in a refrigerator

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