The Densuke Watermelon

The Densuke watermelon is a Japanese fruit known for conceivably being the world’s most costly type of watermelon, reaching costs up to $6,000 at auctions for top-quality produce. The watermelon is dark in color, crisp, and hard, with a distinctive level of sweetness than other watermelons.

The Densuke Watermelon is known for its tough skin that has a very dark shade of green to appears some of the time black and shiny. it is not however broadly developed outside of Japan, but the seeds start to be commercially available in Europe and America. It also has exceptionally few seeds. This fruit is grown only on Hokkaido, and it’s delivered in limited amounts, which puts them in high demand and at high prices. Densuke watermelons are usually packaged in cubic cardboard boxes for protection, and they come with certificates of origin included within the box.

Why is Densuke Watermelon expensive?

The fact about the high cost of these watermelons is their scarcity, These watermelons can only be grown in Hokkaido, where only 100 are produced each year. Even with the steep price tag, there are still individuals willing to purchase them. Secondly, these are sold at high prices because their taste is considered much sweeter than normal watermelons. Just like other luxury fruits, the sweeter it is, the higher it can be priced. One melon, in particular, sold for ¥650,000 (US$5,800), setting a record high in 2008. According to Economicstime Densuke Watermelons sell at auctions in Japan for exorbitant prices, typically anywhere from $2000-5000, per melon. Those big prices are only paid for the first few lots of the annual crop yield.

The Densuke Watermelon seeds

The Densuke watermelons are exceptionally uncommon; each year they are produced in rare quantities (less than a hundred). they are considered to be the most costly watermelon in the world and they can cost a least $250 up to $6,000 each. Seeds of the Densuke Watermelons are also hard to find as they have very few seeds inside them. The seeds can be bought on online selling Platforms costing almost 15$ to 40$.

growing of Densuke watermelons

The Densuke watermelon, recognized for its one-of-a-kind black rind and candy, crisp flesh, is a range that requires unique conditions for its cultivation. Here is a guide on how to develop Densuke watermelon:

climate and Soil Conditions:

Densuke watermelons thrive in warm climates with a protracted developing season. They are typically grown in regions with temperatures continuously above 70°F (21°C).
Plant in nicely-draining soil with a pH of 6.Zero and 7.Five. Sandy loam soils are generally desired.


Start Densuke watermelon seeds indoors about 2-four weeks earlier than the remaining anticipated frost. Transplant seedlings exterior once the soil has warmed and there may be no threat of frost.
Space the plants approximately 6 to 8 feet apart to allow for correct vine increase.


Densuke watermelons require complete sunlight to thrive. Ensure they obtain at least eight hours of direct sunlight every day.


Provide constant and deep watering during the growing season. Watermelon flora wants ample moisture, mainly throughout flowering and fruit development.
Be cautious not to overwater, as waterlogged soil can lead to root diseases.


Use a balanced fertilizer with barely better phosphorus content material to assist flowering and fruit improvement. Apply fertilizer earlier than planting and again whilst the vines begin to unfold.


Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of the flowers to preserve soil moisture, suppress weeds, and alter temperature.

Support for Growing Vines:

Densuke watermelon vines may be pretty full of life. Provide support for the vines, along with a trellis or mesh, to hold the fruit off the ground and prevent sicknesses.

Pest and Disease Control:

Monitor for pests which include aphids, cucumber beetles, and sicknesses like powdery mould. Use appropriate insecticides or natural remedies to govern pests and illnesses.


Prune the vines to take away excessive foliage, bearing in mind better air movement and sunlight penetration to the developing fruits.


Densuke watermelons are usually prepared for harvest ninety to a hundred days after planting.
Harvest whilst the end result has a deep black rind and a barely stupid end. The backside of the watermelon has to have a yellowish spot where it rests on the ground.

Post-Harvest Handling:

Handle the Densuke watermelon with care to keep away from damage. Store them in a groovy, dry vicinity and consume them as quickly as feasible for the excellent flavor.
Growing Densuke watermelon calls for interest to precise growing conditions, and fulfillment can also depend on the local climate and soil traits. Always don’t forget local recommendations and visit neighborhood horticulturists or agricultural extension services for vicinity-unique advice.


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