top 10 fruits BEST for a healthy heart

Diet plays an important role in heart health and can impact your risk of heart disease. In fact, certain fruits may affect blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol levels, and inflammation, factors that are associated with heart disease. The top 10 fruits which are best for a heart are mentioned below:

Slice of orange with green leaf isolated on white background

01) oranges

It has been proven that the flavonoids found in oranges (naringenin and hesperidin, just to name a few) have powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. They also may help improve blood pressure and can ward off your risk of developing atherosclerosis.

Look for oranges with small navels (yes, the indentation at the non-stem end of the orange is called a navel). A large navel indicates an overripe orange.

02) almonds

Almonds are highly nutrient-dense, providing a wealth of vitamins and minerals that promote heart health. They’re also a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and fiber, two important nutrients that can reduce the risk of heart disease.

Research also shows that eating almonds is associated with higher levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, which can help reduce plaque buildup and keep your arteries clear

Remember that while almonds are very high in nutrients, they’re also high in calories. Measure your portions and moderate your intake if you’re trying to lose weight.

Fresh yellow apricots isolated on white.

03) apricots

In addition to vitamins A, C, E, and K, apricots also contain fiber. And their orange color is due to carotenoids, an antioxidant. Apricots are in season from May to August (look for a plump and firm fruit).

Fortunately, dried apricots provide the same nutrients, and people who eat around ⅛ cups of dried fruit each day (two tablespoons) have healthier diets and weigh less than those who don’t consume dried fruit at all (according to a study published in Nutrition Research).

Bunch of Bananas

04) bananas

Banana is packed with vitamins B6 and C, as well as fiber, potassium, and magnesium, three nutrients that are important for blood pressure management. When shopping, look for firm bananas of any size because size has no bearing on quality.

Red apples fall out of a bucket on a marble table.

05) apples

It seems an apple a day may actually keep the doctor AWAY. Apples are a great way to add fiber to your diet and have good-for-you flavonoids, but some studies show regular apple eaters have a lower risk of developing high blood pressure.

Seek out shiny-skinned applies that are firm and free of bruises. Then, store them in the refrigerator fruit crisper to extend their juiciness and crispness.

Fresh raspberry, dewberry, and blueberry over white background

06) Berries

Whether you prefer blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, or strawberries-all are good sources of vitamin C and fiber. And eating a lot of fiber may help lower cholesterol and heart disease risk says the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Fiber can also help keep your weight in check—another boon for your heart! Don’t forget: frozen berries are just as healthy as fresh so you can enjoy berries year-round.

07) Grape fruit

Grapefruit is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. One serving of grapefruit contributes 2.5 grams of fiber or 7% of your daily needs.

Moreover, a study of women (published in 2014 in the journal Food & Nutrition Research) found that those who regularly ate grapefruit or drank its juice had higher “good” HDL cholesterol, lower triglycerides, and weighed less.

When shopping, look for a grapefruit that’s heavy for its size and springy to touch. At home, store it in the fridge, but for a juicier fruit, serve it at room temp or warm, not chilled. Remember that grapefruit and its juice interact with some prescriptions, so check with your doctor before adding it to your meal plane

Close up of fresh walnut against a white background

08) Walnuts

A handful of walnuts a day may lower your cholesterol. They may also protect against inflammation in arteries. Walnuts are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, monounsaturated fats, plant sterols, and fiber. That’s how walnuts boost health.

09) Peaches

Pick up yellow peaches for beta-carotene (and enjoy these recipes). Men with higher levels of beta-carotene are less likely to suffer from heart disease or stroke. as per a study published in 2018 in the journal Circulation Research.

You can find peaches with a strong, sweet smell that give slightly when touched. Peaches also provide fiber, potassium, and vitamins C, E, and K.

10) avocados

Avocados contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and have been linked to reduced cholesterol levels and a lower risk of heart disease

One study looked at the effects of three cholesterol-lowering diets in 45 people with overweight and obesity, with one of the test groups consuming one avocado per day.

The avocado group experienced reductions in LDL (bad) cholesterol, including lower levels of small, dense LDL (bad) cholesterol, which is believed to significantly raise the risk of heart disease

In addition, avocados are rich in potassium, a nutrient essential to a healthy heart. One avocado provides 975 milligrams of potassium or about 28% of the amount you need per day. Getting at least 4.7 grams of potassium per day can decrease blood pressure by an average of 8.0/4.1 mmHg, which is associated with a 15% lower risk of stroke

know about : mangoes types and benefits

know about :  FRUITS RICH IN FIBER

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